Saturday, February 25, 2012

How do you read the cloud information on a QFA bulletin?

I know the abbreviations eg. CU=cumulus etc., but after the the type of cloud comes the scale eg. 1-3 (CU 1-3). What is the scale? One to ten (1-10)?

Thanks for any info, It'll be greatly appreciated!How do you read the cloud information on a QFA bulletin?
It has been a while since I've learned tower controller wx reports, but I'll take a stab (and I've never heard of them as QFA's, but I'm fairly sure I know what you are talking about and the QFA thing is something I was never taught or is a difference in our countries). it divides to 0-8. 8 sections of sky. 0 is clear. 1-2 is few clouds, 3-4 skattered, 5-7 is broken and 8 is overcast.How do you read the cloud information on a QFA bulletin?
its a scale of densityHow do you read the cloud information on a QFA bulletin?
As Kevin said, the sky is divided in 8 parts (called 'oktas'). clear blue sky without a cloud in sight - 0 out of 8 so given as SKC (sky clear). 1-2 eights of the sky containing cloud - 1-2 out of 8 expressed as FEW (...few). 3-4 eights of sky with could - 3-4 out of 8 written as SCT (scattered). 5-7 eights of sky covered expressed as BKN (broken). and 8 out of 8 is OVC (overcast).

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