Saturday, February 25, 2012

What type of cloud is most common in England?

Other than the overly common cumulus humilis clouds that are found every where, what would you say the most common type of cloud is in England? (And please don't answer 'rain clouds'!) I'm having difficulty recognising the different species of clouds there are. I've never seen a cumulonimbus cloud in England (or I have never been able to see the full scale of one) , and as the cumulus congestus cloud is the most likely to cause percipitation, would this be the type of cloud you'd most likely see in England? Obviously, there are many clouds but if you were to look outside or quickly take into consideration the climate of England, what cloud do you think dominates the sky?What type of cloud is most common in England?
Altrocumulus - Large, Grey rolls (resembles sheep).

I would think that the altrocumulus cloud is the most visible cloud in England b/c of the atmospheric pressure and the

Anti-Cyclonic winds....What type of cloud is most common in England?
Right this second like most days there is a blanket of cloud covering the entire sky.

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