Sunday, March 4, 2012

The children of Israel were led out of Egypt with a cloud by day and?

fire by night. My question to you is this: What in your life has been your cloud by night or your fire by day? Please give examples as things in your life that has lead you.The children of Israel were led out of Egypt with a cloud by day and?
Well, a lot of people refuse to even think about look at metaphors. It isn't like you actually have to believe in God or the Bible to answer this question. So I don't understand why the couple of people had to either be insulting or refuse because "it doesn't exist." Whether it didn't happen or not doesn't matter to this question. Try it out.

For me, a lot of the time my cloud and/or fire has been my wife. She has let me through some tough times. At other times, it has been my faith, I've been fortunate to have some good priests at our church. My family has helped, and also many good friends. Like choko, I haven't had a single person be my guiding object, but a great many.
That never happened, and I try not to cloud my thinking with nonsense.The children of Israel were led out of Egypt with a cloud by day and?
A volcano.
Uh, you reversed it there. You meant "cloud by day or fire by night".

In any case, my life is just a tad more complex than that. There hasn't been just one cloud or fire or any other single metaphor. You'll find that most people's lives resist being reduced down to a single metaphor.The children of Israel were led out of Egypt with a cloud by day and?
So, you'll be 12 next year?

(Or is that your anniversary?)
My cloud by day is the presence of God Jesus. Jesus will return in the clouds with His angels.

My fire by night is God Jesus. He is always with me to light the way. Even when I fail Him and myself.
never interpret the Bible literally

make a deep study of the Bible to see if those events really happened

Will you believe what I tell you?
my possitive outlook: every cloud has a silver lining
Don't have a clue what your driving at.%26lt;%26gt;
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