Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Dont you think that certain aspects of evolution and survival has drawn a dark cloud over the human race?

I know evolution is a fact , but i also believe that certain concepts that are linked to evolution and survival , when taken seriously have become dangerous.

While survival of the fittest and putting your self and your own family ahead of others has given humans a chance to evolve and come to this stage that we are now, dont you think that this selfish gene of my life been more important than someone else's life , if not reversed will only end in disaster for the entire human race?

What do you think?Dont you think that certain aspects of evolution and survival has drawn a dark cloud over the human race?
Evolution is a fact, but that highly evolved brain is far more powerful than for mere survival and perpetuation of the species. It enables us to transcend our animal drives and discover in ourselves and others stunning capacity for love and putting the welfare of all humanity at the top and creating a world that cherishes the development of human capacity and care for the planet. That powerful brain enables us to create societies and institutions for bringing out and nurturing all the latent potentialities of every human on the planet. We are amazing, stunning beings. Our failure is one of conceptualization, the failure of realizing what the essence of being human is.
The survival of the fittest does introduce competition between competing groups of people, wars are the most destructive form and sporting events probably the least.

Its the mentality of the other, the outsider to your group, it could nationality, race, sexual orientation, religion or even just they live in a different town or speak in a different language or dialect. We are comfortable with familiar people and uncomfortable with strangers.

The trick is to include as include as many people into your in group and so not see them as outsiders, so its recognising what people have in common with you despite their differences.Dont you think that certain aspects of evolution and survival has drawn a dark cloud over the human race?
Life forms of this reality are design this way because of one simple fact... If you can not adapt to any given situation you find your self in, you will suffer and/or die; nothing that lives is exempt from this, not even a little child or baby...

we are born in the fire of adversity, some are forged by this fire and some are destroyed by it...
Yeah...your mistake is the definition of "fittest"

That isn't something that's easily predicted. Evolution will select for what makes the the species as a whole survive. It's a balancing act between personal survival and sacrificing yourself for a group. There are obvious examples of that behavior almost across the board.Dont you think that certain aspects of evolution and survival has drawn a dark cloud over the human race?
I would say you don't really have a complete understanding of what is meant by survival of the fittest. It doesn't mean at the level of the individual or family.

I recommend reading The Selfish Gene by Richard Dawkins for a better understanding and hey I think you'd enjoy it, too.
What needs to be reversed - the dark cloud itself - is our unsustainable population growth.
surviving Humanity is dangerous (!)

Peace be with the Beautiful Irish Girl (!)

btw: this is the BA, thank Me (!)
I think you are trying to put a positivist spin on human social constructs by equating them with evolution, but that's not really the essence of this anthropological/social problem.

Humans have always been tribal. There is "us" and there is "them". As the human race has grown in numbers to the point where other people are not an asset but a liability, the context of "us" has shrunk, down to the family unit in some cases, leaving out everyone else as "them". Such a cannibalistic collection of self-serving entities cannot be thought of as the most ideal of societies, but it is what human society has become in many places.

We have become our own natural pressure. If someone does not thrive in our society, it is not because they didn't run fast enough to catch an animal, or think to look under a log for grubs, it's because they failed to navigate the social system they found themselves in.

So now you are looking at "survival of the fittest" of ideologies themselves. This is quite interesting. If history teaches us anything, it is that "An eye for an eye leaves the whole world blind." That is, the most self-centered ideologies may lead to quick rises in power, empires, etc., but these are not as long lived as their altruistic counterparts. Basically, if your ideology is based on the exploitation of others, what happens when you're the only ones left with no one left to exploit? The civilization implodes.

So the question is whether we will ultimately have a global society of all "us" and no them, or will we, faction by faction, battle it out until the factions themselves are again small enough for the world to support?

To put a positivist spin on this, I think the second law of thermodynamics favors the latter.
You can't derive an "ought" from an "is." The fact that something observably happens in nature has nothing to do with what one *should* do, on a moral level. Further, the conditions in which we live in modern society are very different from those in which our evolutionary ancestors developed. Tribalism (looking out for members of your own group at the expense of other groups) worked back when we lived in groups of about 150 and competed with other groups for the resources necessary for our survival. That doesn't much resemble the way we live today, does it? We are dependent on people we've never met, who live hundreds or thousands of miles away from us, for the food we eat, the clothes we wear, and the other basic essentials of modern life. Disparate groups of people are interconnected in ways most of us don't think about, or even realize. The old model of valuing our in-group at the expense of others no longer works as well, because we may be hurting people we rely on without realizing it. Unfortunately, I think it'll be a while before human psychology catches up with our global society and we begin to shake off the tribalism of the past.
"I know evolution is a fact"

No, evolution is a theory. Facts are collected and examined to construct one.

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